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hi, where can I get the passphrase for the scenes?

Make it for Android too, I really liked it, please do it :3

Does anyone know how to get Morgan's NSFW scene? I get the bar low then do the button combination but I still haven't gotten it.


Is there a way to get the bear bard to digest you..?


any other vore types planned? I hope there's CV and UB


When i was going try different choices withe the beer and skiped than i was only able to choose the top option im playing the in browser version also culd you ad a key bord thing into the browser version bc the typing thing dose not apere fore me im playing on mobile also relly enyoyed it


what’s a passphrase 

Deleted 31 days ago

Just ran into a dead end/glitch with Janitorial duties with Barnard, after offering to make out.

(1 edit) (+3)

Hiya, how can I get the full game? Codes, and Cheats? Any tier on Patreon?


my favorite character is morgan :3

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

what are the codes for the scene select and where can I find them?

plz add settings


do you have the previous versions of the game? i liked the old, simpler game.


I really, really like this! I just wish there were a save function rather than codes (as unique as they are, they are a little pointless imo). The characters (that are available to meet more than once) feel very real and I immediately bonded with them, and it felt like a much needed diversion from "you are the weakling little prey surrounded by people who want to me mean and eat you" and more like "you can get eaten if you want.. but nobody really SERIOUSLY wants to nab you." It felt very friendly with just enough worry that maybe someone wasn't so friendly (the yeena, boar), but did it in a way that was very, very satisfying!

Aside from my main gripe above, I do wish there were more post-digestion things that happened (basing my experience on Talon), e.g. maybe smoother transitions from full to not-so-full, a little more reaction from preds, and maybe some brief glimpses into the after-effects of being digested?

Also, minor minor lore gripe. The "reformation" vials from the very beginning are never mentioned again! It would be such a cool tool to keep Kit alive in the event of something sub-optimal happening to him, or more!

All this aside, while I didn't play and explore every inch of the game, I am really in love with the vibe so far!!! Seriously, high praises from one writer to another <3
Please keep up the awesome work!

(4 edits) (+4)

Anybody figure out the "secret one" for the visual novel models

Also, will there be a future CV scene? Not needed, just curious. ;)


I really liked the previous version so far and while I do like the new additions you did dialogue and story wise, the barrage of effects and sounds over the texts are massively slowing down progress and challenging my patience, especially if you have to restart after a bad ending. That is literally the only critique i have here.


just asking this here because it hasn't been answered on the Monchin Merger page, are you planning on ever returning to it? Or are you solely dedicating yourself to this game at this point? Sorry if it sounds like I'm being impatient, but there haven't even been any mentions of your plans for updates for Monchin Merger lately


This is turning out amazing, i love the interactive animation sequences. Is there a vore scene with Erenye? 


Having to start from the VERY beginning anytime you get digested is really, really discouraging. Given that a lot of people are here for literally that, punishing players so harshly for seeing the scenes is rough. Lacking a generic save feature is...odd. I'm not sure why a clunky passcode is necessary for this.


is kihijo scene where you struggle not working on the buttton bc i tried pressing it no matter what its not doing anything other than digest me completely other than that....


I found out through trial and error that its a click and grab section. You have to drag his  stomach to loosen it up before clicking struggle.

Deleted 122 days ago

gotta beat storymode


I'm curious, can i get eaten by Preston, or is he just an authority that talks to you?


Half of the Scene Selections won't work, just put you on a blank version of the title screen. Kristoff, Bernard, and Kihijo's options all do this, while the other half work fine.


We checked it in previous versions and it worked, but this release is having problems with scene select. I'm working on a patch right now. Thanks for letting me know! 

kihijo in the scence select won't even for me

What? Chapter 1 just ended? I'm starting to wonder who Chapters 2 and 3 could date, like a famous snow leopard.


The password It's on your patreon?


It's available in the story mode.

The made in unity animation is broke on the downloaded version of this game and wont play so the game is stuck on a blank grey screen. still works fine playing on the page for some reason...


I haven't recreated this yet, but you're not the first to tell me some strangeness happens on desktop. I'll look into it and try to patch it. 

(1 edit)

might it help to tell you I'm on windows 11? I know windows 11 sometimes acts weird with some programs for no reason, especially when it first released.


I'll run a windows 11 machine to check! Thank you.


it appears if you try to use the itch launcher to download the game it's pulling files for an incorrect version with files labeled as : P2Sver0.005_WebGL


Ver0.005 is a bug tester version which when approved became 0.006. The label may not have been updated due to the small changes done to the file. Thanks for noticing, I'll put that on my release checklist. 


I'm not into vore, but...

how soon/when will Kihijo and more stuff are coming to the public version?


It's been a while since I last played the sponsored version, and I forgot to report a bug: regarding kihijo, if it is digested by kihijo when it is struggling in the stomach, it will be digested directly the next time it returns to kihijo's stomach, but restarting the game can solve this problem.

Thanks for the bug report! 

this is quite well-done, the only complaint i have is that it isn't built on a little after a technical ending

i'd like to see a bit more of the aftermath of becoming talon's pet, or eating breakfast with kristoff, maybe just a short end scene would suffice

..also, there's no end cards for barnard, and i have no clue if the developer is aware of that


Thanks for the notes! P2S is getting a big overhaul soon and I hope it'll address most of your issues with it. 


(1 edit) (+1)

i want know where a escape option from talon, Does anyone know how to get it?, i want answer


Using the Knead option enough will activate a Grind option. Balance healing and damage until you can use Grind enough times, and he will choose to spare you. 

You can also use struggle enough times to get the "Therapy Passed" ending


how soon will the next version be coming? I'd love/want to play with barnard and kihijo asap ;3


There have been some delays due to a family emergency but I will be returning by the end of Summer 


the game is cool. I really liked it 10 out of 10. I just wanted to ask to add a version for Android. Thanks for your efforts

I believe the game does run on some phones if you open it in browser and use landscape mode


Love the game, Talon is my top favorite so far.

Quick question though. How do you toggle the options? I pressed every key on my keyboard.

I need to standardize those tbh. I've held off because the game runs on phones and browsers so I was considering the best control scheme.

how soon will the next version be coming? I'd love/want to play and do more with them!

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