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My game freezes after chosing "im good" at the start of the game does any one know how to fix


So... is there a Free Demo?


bro....... i love this gamee its makin me sad. i miss lungo. also- i like the tiger too- but- HE FKN KILLS YOU?! my first time fighting him i didnt lvl up once or train, so i got wiped but danggggggggg hes hard!! an wtf? he just kills you for no reason an gives you a kiss? what an ass!! (i still love the character, im very conflicted!!


Rapturous might be getting a remaster so stay tuned

you must seduce him it is the only way


YOU ADDED PHIRAE TO THE GAEM?! HAHAHAHA thats awesome i was very surprised to see the catt here


Hey, I was wondering how you access the inventory to use items like the healing potion or the item that makes enemies harder or such?


This VN looks really good and interesting, but there's some way to run it on mobile? Or it's only for Pc?

Will this game ever get further updates? In my opinion, this game has a lot of potential, and it would simply do harm to discard this potential.

Hey I'm glad you resonated some with the game. I'm not done making things and even though this game is off my plate right now, hopefully some of my coming work will scratch the same itch!


i wanna know a couple things :first when i ask Kobi for guide or request missions it doesnt say nothing as i dont know how to get more than 10 hp or even find seeds, as well idk how i can get more content for history cuz i got the last thing stuck when i made a trip with Dawn on the mountains and back to Mila, and i dont know what to do.... Any coulf help me?


Any chance I can get an old version of the game...? I miss so much the submit button...

Maybe i'm really dumb, but i can't figure out how to get seeds to level up health. If anyone knows how to do that, i'd really appreciate the help

how do i discard cards?? in combat sometimes my cards go off screen and i cant use them and i cant discard them

You drag the cards over to the little discard slot on the lower right side of the screen

i cant i use windows and this is all i see every time i move a card to the lower right it either goes back to my hand or stays on my mouse until i play a card so soon my hand is full of cards that i cant or dont want to use it even goes off screen on both sides.       i have tried to change my screen size but that does not work idk what to do as you can see each card is cutoff and i cant discard them

if you can help id really enjoy the game better 


Is there a way or a method of some kind to play this on android?


How can I edit the language file?

Tldr - Indifinite hiatus partially due to one person team creation
Read the journal on their FA for more accurate info

I'd hate to come across as nagging and/or bothersome by asking this question, but is there any kind of information on when the next update for this visual novel will be, only if there's any kind of possibility that this will be able to be continued following whatever kind of schedule which allows for any time that helps work to be able to happen in order to progress this interesting project at all of course?

(1 edit)

it might have ended or be on hold till further notice, on the guide they said the goal was until mid sept, last upd was august. (take this with a grain of salt though)

I recommend you add a few more tags such as visual novel, nsfw, fantasy, ... Whatever works basically. Good luck and I hope you get better soon! I know what it's like.

(Btw.: It's impossible to install the APK. Do you have to change the name or something? I don't think so, right~)

Hey how do you use the special Move? I'm a PC user. 

i hope this game gets its support back, either with a rewrite or continuation of the story that's already there

Horrendously buggy. Discarding cards is unavailable, you can get softlocked on your second cultist fight when hit by a Charmed attack (unavoidable). The card UI overtakes the menu UI, meaning you can get softlocked in menus when battling. Card Conversion does nothing. I recommend not downloading the August patch of the game as it's just not possible to play. Which is a shame, I was really looking forward to it. 

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Hello everyone,

Please be patient with zyyphelze and read this journal entry. Thank you!

When will the next update be released?

anyone else have issues where when you respawn it freezes?

(2 edits)

How to discard cards... please help

In previous update i could do so by clicking on "discard" under the cards. But in this version there is no discard button

Uhhhh how do you discard card

ended up beating ares and all i got was one line of dialog, tbh i thought the game was gonna crash but this is a nice surprise

Hahah! In the earliest build of the game beating Ares was mathematically impossible, so I just put placeholder dialogue there. I'm surprised anyone did it, but with leveling and new cards it's probably much easier.

yea i beated him too but i redid it because i felt bad on how we seperated and let him beat me

Do you think you can add on anything else besides the dialogue, like the option of the MC swallowing Ares whole or maybe even the possibility of Ares still having the option open of allowing the MC to be swallowed whole by him even after he was defeated fairly during the whole battle?

Although on the other hand maybe added on with a little bit of dialogue there's the option of him having the option of joining you on whatever kind of journey you might have to go on and he's staying in the motor plane a little longer if that's a possibility, at all, of course?

lots of lvling and lots of rng was hoping we could eat him but at the end as a reward but its whatever


any chance there'll be an android version?

question, will we be able to pick one route to stick on or make them remember us after the quotas are done? answering is probably a big spoiler but i need a hint or something T^T

I'm hoping to provide more info on the main story soon. Right now the game is on a short hiatus for some reworks


How do I discard cards? There is supposed to be the discard button somewhere, but where? I dont see any

You should be able to discard by dragging cards to the bottom right hand corner of the screen. I'm going to add the buttons back in though


i cant discard cards even doing that for some reason

When I enter the game,the blue border of the game screen has changed to black. I can't see the player's status during the battle, and I don't know how to drop the cards.

Idk, but there a bug with Lungo, when you can sell him silver webs repeatedly without them leaving inventory but still getting marbles for it. 

Thanks, its a great game and story. 

I have see this as well. hopefully the update i'm releasing soon will fix it up!

(7 edits)

I'm having a massive bug both on here and the app. I cannot install the game; in the app, I click play and it wont launch, and when downloaded and installed via the website, My computer sends me error reports because there are missing files. so it wont launch let alone start

Edit: I tried another method of replacing the new files that ARE installing with the game I had installed from a previous version 2.17 (its been a while since I played this VN, so I'm WAY behind on the current build). the game finally launched, but instead experienced seriously heavy graphical issues. It looked like the game was dipped in oil with the mish mosh of colors. it gave me a migraine trying to look at it. 

P.s. I decided to delete the game, and post this in hopes there may be a fix soon. if not for the website, then hopefully for the app

im really confused

Huh, that's super strange. Would you mind clearing your previous game data? You can find it in your appdata-LocaLow-defaultcompany- VisNovel

You can clear the data in there. then download a completely new version of the zip file, extract it somewhere that has enough storage space, and try running it again. 
Nobody else has reported this problem so I'm a bit confused as well.

Thanks! that resolved this issue for me :D

(1 edit)

Thanks for the guide, finally I can get some objectives.

It seems there is a bug, Gaeleon cannot analysis the Tarot Death Card from Erenye?


I'm uploading the updated version today that I think solves this bug! It has some strange thing to do with a variable being checked out of order.

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There are things about Aidan that I don't understand, would you kindly elaborate more?


       You can ask Duke in the commission building about rune etching. Doing so will give you a dialogue option with Lungo to get a resonance hammer. Bringing it back to Aidan will unlock defense upgrades and armor etching.""

It seems I lost at get a resonance hammer, it is in early gaming so I forget my milestone, now I have no more dialogue option with Lungo but also no resonance hammer for Aidan. And cannot find defense upgrades.

Also, what is the use of imbue ring? It seems just eaten my magic card and cause no damage and effect. I found out now that it can convert the next pyhsical damage to element damage

Hey thanks for asking! These are things at the top of my list to fix. 

The issue being that the quest is on an optional questline when I want it to be in the main story. I'm going to revise a bit of it to make sure that players go into future content having seen it all. So I'm going to improve Lungo's logic for the quest, Fix Aidan's logic too, and add more beef to the etching system. 

It's just taken a back seat to other construction issues that were more pressing.

(1 edit)

You know, the game is quite awesome. It hooked me up for long time and I enjoyed it especially the vore and NSFW part. But there is one thing I'd like to know. When my friend been playing your game at one moment Zyyph turned into a dragon (that was before the Tar's battle). However when I tried to get Zyyph in a dragon look for alternate scenes it was unsuccessful. Could you please tell me how to get Zyyph in dragon look in Diamond the Fluff

Sorry for not getting to this comment too quick! Zyyph's dragon form is accessible based on a seed that's set at the start of every new run after a respawn. 

The final version of the game will involve being respawned a lot more, so this mechanic is not very present in the current version. Sorry for the frustration!

Okay, thanks for the answer.

No Pressure or anything, I just love your game so muuuuuch <3
and wanted to ask when you are planning to release a new update. I know you were on a trip so take your time! :)

I've had a very turbulent few weeks! My trip was quite long, then I got covid, and immediately after recovering I had to prepare to move to a new place. I just finished my move yesterday so I'm hoping you all won't be waiting too much longer.

Oh no, please don't feel pressured at all! Like I said take your time and work at a healthy speed <3

where are the saves located? i'm switching computer and want to keep my progress.

also, game is good, thank you

Oh I'm glad you like it! If you're on windows it's stored in the appdata folder, under LocalLow, then a folder called defaultcompany. You'll find the VisNovel folder in there! 
There's some equivalent to that for mac.

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will the next update have the health elixirs? looked everywhere to see if it was available ^^; 

the game is so incredibly well done so far, love all the cast!

Hey I'm glad you like it! Sorry I was on a long trip and I'm getting back into the groove.

Your good, I'm hoping the next update ill have a fighting chance with the elixirs form bacchus ^^

I'm pretty confused on how to advance in the story and the guide is really old, there seems to be possible stuff in the guide that's no longer possible for me to do in-game. It's really difficult trying to beat enemies like Ares or Cerberus when they deal a lot of damage, I deal none, and my hp bar is only 10 compared to their hp being easily 5x to 10x range of that. I like the story a lot and really want to progress but the circumstances are insanely silly when there's maximum of one stat buff I've gotten I've completed everything possible that hasn't involved enemies yet I'm still too weak even for Eiks quest.

You can beat Ares without combat, but yeah the later enemies need me to finish the leveling system. Sorry, I'm working on it! I was on a long trip and only just returned. 

Ahhh I see i see, i didnt see anything about you being aware of the leveling system feeling off so figured I would mention it, I know ares is beatable without combat but It felt kinda cheat-y. Either way looking forward to more, I do really enjoy the story overall and will be following the vn often most likely!

Can you make a Linux-Build, too? - Unless it uses TyranoScript/-Builder, it might be possible relatively easily...


I can look into it! 

(1 edit)

Thanks so much. If you're coding on Windows, any other OS than Windows will need to make the executable files executable with a quick "chmod +x"-command, but usually people using Linux (and MacOS maybe, too), are aware of that. I'd be happy to test it if you should give it a try.

Cheers! <3

like always, great game <3~~ love where it is going :D

Thank you!!

ares story made me fr, im so sad he forgot us (i think). if it comes down to us picking someone im picking ares with no hesitation. if not him then erenye

Hey I'm glad you resonated with his story some! 

how could i not? the beautiful starry night background added more sadness too

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